Wednesday, February 3, 2010

President George Cb Radio Reviews Some People Believe President George W Started The Iraq War Because Saddam Was Still Around And Not His Dad?

Some people believe President George W started the Iraq war because Saddam was still around and not his dad? - president george cb radio reviews

Some people believe that President George W. started the war in Iraq because Saddam was still president of Iraq and not his own father was not re-elected as president. I do not know if that's true, but. What do you think?


Beatrice C said...

Whatever the reason was lame, and will now move stuck there for many years, not given the loss of lives of civilians and the destruction of the country billions of our tax dollars to Halliburton, so if the major screwup in American history!

Scobill said...

The only reason Iraq was attacked is oil, etc. Everything else is democracy a load of bull
I can not say I regret that Saddam and his son are gone, but look at the world and there are people just as bad as he and his family control, but not large deposits of oil!

Gary said...

Now, his son clean the dirt from his father. We hope to do this only once. Otherwise, we return a third time

desertvi... said...

One problem with this. Been given the reasons for offensive military operations against Iraq in the authorization by Congress in 2002 (Public Law 107-243 #) will be taken mostly from the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 (Public Law 105-338 #). And the law was passed, while William Jefferson Clinton was president. It was he who defeated Bush Sr. in 1992.

plankshe... said...

I thnk Jr. President President wanted a war.
What is it like for HM?

gcbtradi... said...

Yes, I think some people believe.
Conspiracy theorists abound.

sam g said...

Some people believe that George Bush has not personally obviosly said that as far as we know, but it can never be sure with Bush B, U CAN Neva B, of course.

Kekionga said...


He told his cabinet to take a path into Iraq and used 9 / 11 September as an excuse before he did not even know that was Al Quade found in Iraq.

Saddam Hussein weapons, fly back and gave him a trophy of war, when Bush was able to show, what he had done.

All of these men and women who are murdered by a personal vendetta. It is a shame.


David said...

Find out more about the fact that he wanted to "excellent" - George W. Bush with Saddam Hussein, but he just said "no - go" from Saudi Arabia.

For Monkey Boy took over the White House, seemed all kinds of efforts to overthrow Saddam Hussein. For example, do not expect that the United Nations are trying to make a link Saddam to 9 / 11.

Facile Princeps said...

I think they are very confused

Jake said...

Saddam Hussein is a threat to Bush's father assinate. I've heard it as a conspiracy theory ... But, I think. Bush wanted to go after Saddam Hussein and the threat to the 9 / 11 gave him an excuse to invade, Iraq.

Magicman said...

WE DID IT 4 Control of the oil, the white government, they are threatened, and did nothing to change plans, electric car was killed, Nate! We are from the companies huge amounts of money that we need to get up, check!

Hakim said...

Middle East is the land of the patrol (oil) ... Saddam .. lol. not a fool, that shit .. believe went for the money.

vanessa p said...

Saddam supported terrorists and soon have the power of nuclear weapons. The world is safer without him. I do not know how war, but I think it was right to topple Saddam. Perhaps if all the mosques were destroyed was not the terrorist who places to hide. We should, with numbers of troops and camps are now gone.

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